By Mike Roberts | Village Life staff writer

The third annual Clarksville Day celebration brought the old town site to life last weekend. Betty January an... Read More

RANCH NEIGHBORS. Betty Wilson Lane and John Euer were once neighbors on White Rock Road , but hadn't spoken in years. The Four Seasons community was built on Euerís old ranchland. He moved the old farmhouse he grew up in, along with two out buildings cross country to a hilltop in Latrobe. Lane came from the Wilson clan, and was born on the 4,000 acre family ranch, just west of Dan Russells place. She married Bud Wilson in her early 20s. He died at age 51 leaving her to run the ranch with her son for the next 15 years. In 1998 they sold most of the ranch and moved to Idaho . The family is currently engaged in a bitter legal battle with developer Angelo Tsakopoulos over access to the family cemetery on the old ranch. We're supposed to have perpetual use of the family cemetery, she said. We're fighting it. Mother Lode News photo by Mike Roberts