Mar. 25, 2020 - CANCELLED due to coronavirus. Our meeting has been canceled due to the closure of the library to all meetings in March and April due to the coronavirus.At 6:30pm, EDH Library, Bob LaPeriere will speak on Early Medicines.
Apr. 22, 2020 - CANCELLED due to coronavirus. Our meeting has been canceled due to the closure of the library to all meetings in March and April due to the coronavirus.At the El Dorado Hills Library 6:30pm in the community room, the Clarksville Region Historical Society will have as our speaker the renowned authority on the early trails of El Dorado County, Dee Owens. We are most fortunate to have her just before our Clarksville Day. Also, she will be a part of the trails association booth at the barn on Clarksville Day. Join us for a very informative meeting at the library the 22nd. Bring a friend...
For details about our meetings, vist our Calendar Page. General meetings are open to the public and are held at 6:30 on the 4th Wednesday of each month in the meeting room of the El Dorado Hills Library. Call 916 933-3173 for more information.
In addition to our speakers, artifacts from CRHS collection are often displayed. The Society makes it a point to have interesting and well-qualified speakers.
Admission is free and everyone is welcome!
Past Speakers
Feb. 26, 2020 At 6:30pm, El Dorado Hills Library, we will have the Buffalo Soldiers as our speakers. They will bring the history of the Buffalo Soldiers from the Civil War to WWII. This is a unique part of our “frontier history up to the group cutting the trails in the newly formed Yosemite Park." Come and enjoy the stories of these soldiers. This group also is featured at our Clarksville Days and will be with us this May 2nd.
Jan. 22, 2020 General meeting and a discussion of candidates for our board. Please, anyone who would like to serve on our board, come to the meeting. We have two vacancies. We will then vote. Also, we will have a brief talk on Clarksville Day and past Clarksville history. Let us start off the New Year!
Oct. 23, 2019 6:30 p.m. at EDH library community room we will have Kris Payne from the EDC Historical Society give a presentation: “El Dorado County History Retrospective.”
Aug. 28, 2019 EDH Library at 6:30pm...Presentation...”Historic Clarksville, Then and Now.”
Sep. 25, 2019 EDH Library at 6:30pm...Presentation...Wopumnes, Nisenan-Mewuk tribe, El Dorado County.
Apr. 24, 2019 6:30 p.m. at the EDH Library meeting room we will have back the Nisenan MeWok Nation to bring us up to date on recent events and also display their very interesting artifacts.
Also sharing the meeting is the Pony Express association. Besides historic background, they will post the dates and run times of the mail remounts from St. Joseph, Mo. to Sacramento. It is fun to be at the remount stations and watch the horse and rider come in and transfer the mail pouch, change horses and take off for next remount station.
Mar. 27, 2019 6:30 p.m. at the EDH Library Meeting room we will have both Jim Harville and Eric Olds giving a historic account of the PSVRR and the 150 year anniversary of the Transcontinental RR. Also covering the current good news about the new steam engine locomotive. It is a banner year for railroad “buffs”.
Feb. 27, 2019 - LOCAL AUTHOR TO SPEAK. Local author John E. Thomson will present a lecture on the history of nearby Bass Lake, and gold mining activity in the Clarksville area during the California Gold Rush, at the regular February meeting of the Clarksville Region Historical Society. Members of the public are cordially invited to attend. Admission is free.
The meeting will be held on February 27, 2019, at 7:30PM at the El Dorado Hills Branch Library, 7455 Silva Valley Parkway, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762.
No doubt many would be surprised to learn that Bass Lake, or American Reservoir, as it was known then, was a part of the great mining ditch systems of the California Gold Rush. American Reservoir became the western terminus of what was first known as the Eureka Ditch, later as the Crawford Ditch, and then as the Park Canal and Mining Company ditch system.
John’s new history book, “Bass Lake: A Gold Rush Artifact,” tells the story of the development of the mining ditches of southern El Dorado County, and how and when Bass Lake, originally known as the American Reservoir, came to be a living artifact of the Gold Rush of 1849.
Autographed copies of “Bass Lake: A Gold Rush Artifact” will be available for sale at the meeting.
Oct. 24, 2018 We will have as our speaker Melinda Peak. Melinda is our local archeologist who has thoroughly investigated the history of our local region — in particular Clarksville and surrounding areas. She will cover the first fifty years of Clarksville history recounting the inns, roadways, life in the town, violence and ranches up to 1900. Her presentation will not only be a remarkable account of our past history but fully entertaining, with the colorful events of our past. Please join us.
Sep. 26, 2018 Betty January to speak on Early California & Historic Clarksville
Aug. 22, 2018 Nisenan Miwok Indians to speak on The History of Nisenan.
Apr. 25, 2018 The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have as our speakers members of the Buffalo Soldiers re-enactment group. This group represents the 10th Cavalry recreating the Buffalo Soldier Company during the Indian Wars 1866-1891. Their formidable presence was felt in Calif. in the early development of Yosemite. The Buffalo Soldiers distinguished themselves in both the 9th and 10th cavalries as well as several infantry divisions. This is a very exciting part of our frontier history. Join us for a very enlightened evening. Wednesday, April 25th in the El Dorado Hills Library community room 6:30 p.m.
Mar. 28, 2018 The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have as our speaker Dick Williams who will speak on the remarkable building of the Mormon Emigrant Trail in 1848. This feat was done without tools as we would imagine in building a road over granite and the Sierra mountains going out of the area. Dick Williams represents Calif. Living History from the Calif. Pioneer Heritage Foundation. He is quite entertaining and kept us transfixed with his story of the Mormon Battalion at our meeting last October. Starts at 6:30 p.m. in the community room of the El Dorado Hills Library.
Feb. 28, 2018 Carl Kowall will be the speaker at the CRHS monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 6:30pm. He will discuss his new book, The Story of El Dorado Hills, which is about Allan Lindsey's pursuit to create a completely new town. Kowall was part of the development team for the first ten years in the original stages of conceiving the project and getting it started. Click here to learn more about his book!
Oct. 25, 2017 The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have at our meeting Dennis Amaral, speaking on the very historical events that had much to do about our area...The Mormon Battalion and the Mormon Emigrant Trail. The first building built in our area called Clarksville was the Mormon Tavern. Mormon Island yielded millions in gold. A peak near Carson Pass is named after a woman who walked with her husband with the Mormon Battalion from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego and then from Pleasant Valley to the Salt Lake region. Learn about these interesting stories. Join us October 25th, 6:30 at the El Dorado Hills Library community room. Free to public.
Aug. 23, 2017 Clarksville Region Historical Society meeting Aug. 23rd at the El Dorado Hills Library community room at 6:30 p.m. We will have as our speakers members of the Placerville Sacramento Valley Railroad Association. They will cover the history of the first railroad west of the Mississippi," our own "PSVRR," as well as the action to preserve these historic rails and what is happening to the rails during construction along Placerville Road in Folsom. Everyone is welcome to join us.
April 26, 2017. Michele Harris of the Pony Express Association will talk about the history of the Pony Express and share information about the ride planned for Clarksville Day May 6th.
March 22, 2017. During the first three years of the Gold Rush, it’s estimated that one in five died within three months of their arrival. What happened to them? Why was the mortality rate so high? Why are pioneer cemeteries important? Where are these places? Who owns them? Can I visit them? Who is buried there? Are they protected?
Clarksville board member Mike Roberts will answer those questions and more on Wednesday, March 22 at 6:30 in the El Dorado Hills Library community room. Mike is a member of the county Cemetery Advisory Committee. He has a presentation on the cemeteries in and around Clarksville, and will be conducting tours during Clarksville Day, May 6, 2017. He’s also leading restoration efforts at Union Cemetery in Placerville, and will share the challenges of that experience as well.
Free to public. For more info, call 916-933-3173 and leave call back number.
Feb. 22, 2017. Clarksville Region Historical Society presents "Waka-tales" by long-time Wakamatsu docent Wendy Guglieri. The Wakamatsu story begins with the upheaval of medieval Japan and its military nobility, the Samurai, a small group of which fled Japan for the gold fields in 1868. The evening will consist of a mix of stories from the Wakamatsu colony and its most celebrated occupant, Okei San, a 17-year old Japanese girl who became the first Japanese woman buried on American soil. Okei San remains a folk-hero in her homeland. Wendy and fellow docent Herb Tanimoto have hosted a steady stream of Japanese VIPs since the American River Conservancy began offering tours. Those stories alone are worth the price of admittance... which is free... not to diminish the stories, which are awesome.
Jan. 25, 2017. Join us for our 2017 Annual Meeting and listen Mike Skinner talk about the history of the J. Skinner winery dating back well over 150 years ago. He will talk about how he discovered his background and the effort trying to rebuild the winery in Rescue.
Oct. 26, 2016. The Clarksville Region Historical Society presents an evening with Tony Mansour, the man whose vision defined modern-day El Dorado Hills. Please join us on Wednesday, October 26, 6:30 p.m. at the El Dorado Hills Library.
Tony will describe his acquisition of the failed “new town” project in 1981 and the planning effort that went into the 1988 specific plan, which provided a blueprint for modern-day El Dorado Hills and the mechanisms to fund the requisite infrastructure.
The results are evident today: great schools, multi-generational recreation options, charming and diverse neighborhoods, superb restaurants, ample shopping and entertainment, prosperous residents and strong home values.
For more information on the Mansour legacy in El Dorado Hills, see the Mansour backstory PDF file.
Please take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet the man who made it all possible, hear his reflections on the experience and ask him questions.
Sep.28, 2016 The Lincoln Highway Association will present a history on the building of the first coast-to-coast highway, the Lincoln Highway, built 1913 to 1918. This presentation is in keeping with the Clarksville Region Historical Society inaugural of the “Historic Lincoln Highway 8K Run/Jog/Walk” on October 1st. Join us on Sept. 28th 6:30pm at the EDH Library Community Room. Bring friends. Free to public. For more info call 916-933-3173 or email
Aug. 24, 2016. Elena Smith, Librarian for the California State Library will be speaking about the history and influence of the Joerger and Tong families whose cemeteries are located in Clarksville and the Clarksville Cemetery.
May 25, 2016. We have Ellen Osborn, author, talking about the “Evolution of Highway 50 from Indian Trail to Today." At 6:30 in the community room of the EDH Library.
Apr. 27, 2016. Oakridge High School Student Presentations of this year's historical research projects, at the EDH Library.
Mar. 23, 2016. Dr. John Thomson will speak on the history of Bass Lake.
Feb. 24, 2016. Dr. John E. Thomson presents an interesting history on our Bass Lake, entitled "Bass Lake, a Gold Rush Relic". Dr. Thomson has researched this part of our history for over a year. This is a very surprising and interesting part of our early history to the present time. Bring friends and join us at the El Dorado Hills Library
Jan. 27, 2016. This month's speaker is Dee Owens, on the historical maps of El Dorado County.
Oct. 28, 2015. This meeting at the EDH Library features J.G. Kearney. She will present the story of the Great Bullion Bend Stage Coach Robbery here in the Placerville area. This is sure to be a fascinating story!
Sep. 23, 2015. The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have their meeting Wednesday, Sep. 23 at the EDH Library starting at 6:30 p.m. Our speaker will be Melinda Peak. Melinda is our local archeologist who has researched the local history extensively. She will present the story of the Page murders that took place in the 1800’s here in Clarksville and area. Fascinating story, so join us for this interesting tale and bring a friend.
Aug. 26, 2015. We begin with a presentation by Toni and Dennis Amaral on the building of the Mormon Immigrant Trail. This road was built in 1848 going from west to east, leaving from Pleasant Valley and crossing Sierras. The trail was built as they returned to the Salt Lake vicinity.
Mar. 25, 2015. Retired El Dorado Hills Fire Chief Larry Fry. Larry Fry served as fire chief from 1993 to 2007 before retiring from the department. He is a wealth of historic information on the early days of El Dorado Hills and the the role our EDH Fire Department played in its development. As always this meeting is open to the public. Join us at 6:30 p.m. in the El Dorado Hills library community room.
Feb. 25, 2015. Jim Harville, presedent of the Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Association will speak to us about the past and present of the PSVRR. The oldest railroad west of the Mississipi River.
Aug. 27, 2014. This presentation will be remembered by many who have lived in El Dorado Hills for sometime. The speaker, "Buffalo" Will Neunam, is a very colorful personality. He is part Cherokee and part Cree and has a large collection of Native American artifacts as well as an assortment of old automobiles and airplanes. He was a jazz singer and has appeared in nightclubs as the "white Nat King Cole". We were all sorry to see the familiar buffalos go after 40 years of watching the herd. Join us at the library at 6:30. Tell your friends is open to the public and it is free.
Jun. 25, 2014. 6:30 PM at the EDH Library. The Clarksville Region Historical Society will present Lanny Hardy, owner of the Historic Cary House (1853) in Placer. Lanny will be joined by Josh Thorp on banjo. Togather they well be telling the story of the of the Cary House with tales and music of the times. The guest list of the Cary House includes a former President, John Studebaker, Mark Twain and Betty Davis. It promisses to be a very fun night.
May 28, 2014. The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have their meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the El Dorado Hills Library Community room. Our speaker will be Janette Rogers, El Dorado County Cemetery Commission for District 1 and the eastern part of District 2. Janette will show slides of local and county cemetery history. Our pioneer cemeteries locally and county wide reflect the history of the gold rush days and the founding families. This will be a very interesting and informative presentation. Open to the public.
Betty January
Past President and Program Director
Mar. 25, 2020 - CANCELLED due to coronavirus. Our meeting has been canceled due to the closure of the library to all meetings in March and April due to the coronavirus.
Apr. 22, 2020 - CANCELLED due to coronavirus. Our meeting has been canceled due to the closure of the library to all meetings in March and April due to the coronavirus.
For details about our meetings, vist our Calendar Page. General meetings are open to the public and are held at 6:30 on the 4th Wednesday of each month in the meeting room of the El Dorado Hills Library. Call 916 933-3173 for more information.
In addition to our speakers, artifacts from CRHS collection are often displayed. The Society makes it a point to have interesting and well-qualified speakers.
Admission is free and everyone is welcome!
Past Speakers
Feb. 26, 2020 At 6:30pm, El Dorado Hills Library, we will have the Buffalo Soldiers as our speakers. They will bring the history of the Buffalo Soldiers from the Civil War to WWII. This is a unique part of our “frontier history up to the group cutting the trails in the newly formed Yosemite Park." Come and enjoy the stories of these soldiers. This group also is featured at our Clarksville Days and will be with us this May 2nd.
Jan. 22, 2020 General meeting and a discussion of candidates for our board. Please, anyone who would like to serve on our board, come to the meeting. We have two vacancies. We will then vote. Also, we will have a brief talk on Clarksville Day and past Clarksville history. Let us start off the New Year!
Oct. 23, 2019 6:30 p.m. at EDH library community room we will have Kris Payne from the EDC Historical Society give a presentation: “El Dorado County History Retrospective.”
Aug. 28, 2019 EDH Library at 6:30pm...Presentation...”Historic Clarksville, Then and Now.”
Sep. 25, 2019 EDH Library at 6:30pm...Presentation...Wopumnes, Nisenan-Mewuk tribe, El Dorado County.
Apr. 24, 2019 6:30 p.m. at the EDH Library meeting room we will have back the Nisenan MeWok Nation to bring us up to date on recent events and also display their very interesting artifacts.
Also sharing the meeting is the Pony Express association. Besides historic background, they will post the dates and run times of the mail remounts from St. Joseph, Mo. to Sacramento. It is fun to be at the remount stations and watch the horse and rider come in and transfer the mail pouch, change horses and take off for next remount station.
Mar. 27, 2019 6:30 p.m. at the EDH Library Meeting room we will have both Jim Harville and Eric Olds giving a historic account of the PSVRR and the 150 year anniversary of the Transcontinental RR. Also covering the current good news about the new steam engine locomotive. It is a banner year for railroad “buffs”.
Feb. 27, 2019 - LOCAL AUTHOR TO SPEAK. Local author John E. Thomson will present a lecture on the history of nearby Bass Lake, and gold mining activity in the Clarksville area during the California Gold Rush, at the regular February meeting of the Clarksville Region Historical Society. Members of the public are cordially invited to attend. Admission is free.
The meeting will be held on February 27, 2019, at 7:30PM at the El Dorado Hills Branch Library, 7455 Silva Valley Parkway, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762.
No doubt many would be surprised to learn that Bass Lake, or American Reservoir, as it was known then, was a part of the great mining ditch systems of the California Gold Rush. American Reservoir became the western terminus of what was first known as the Eureka Ditch, later as the Crawford Ditch, and then as the Park Canal and Mining Company ditch system.
John’s new history book, “Bass Lake: A Gold Rush Artifact,” tells the story of the development of the mining ditches of southern El Dorado County, and how and when Bass Lake, originally known as the American Reservoir, came to be a living artifact of the Gold Rush of 1849.
Autographed copies of “Bass Lake: A Gold Rush Artifact” will be available for sale at the meeting.
Oct. 24, 2018 We will have as our speaker Melinda Peak. Melinda is our local archeologist who has thoroughly investigated the history of our local region — in particular Clarksville and surrounding areas. She will cover the first fifty years of Clarksville history recounting the inns, roadways, life in the town, violence and ranches up to 1900. Her presentation will not only be a remarkable account of our past history but fully entertaining, with the colorful events of our past. Please join us.
Sep. 26, 2018 Betty January to speak on Early California & Historic Clarksville
Aug. 22, 2018 Nisenan Miwok Indians to speak on The History of Nisenan.
Apr. 25, 2018 The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have as our speakers members of the Buffalo Soldiers re-enactment group. This group represents the 10th Cavalry recreating the Buffalo Soldier Company during the Indian Wars 1866-1891. Their formidable presence was felt in Calif. in the early development of Yosemite. The Buffalo Soldiers distinguished themselves in both the 9th and 10th cavalries as well as several infantry divisions. This is a very exciting part of our frontier history. Join us for a very enlightened evening. Wednesday, April 25th in the El Dorado Hills Library community room 6:30 p.m.
Mar. 28, 2018 The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have as our speaker Dick Williams who will speak on the remarkable building of the Mormon Emigrant Trail in 1848. This feat was done without tools as we would imagine in building a road over granite and the Sierra mountains going out of the area. Dick Williams represents Calif. Living History from the Calif. Pioneer Heritage Foundation. He is quite entertaining and kept us transfixed with his story of the Mormon Battalion at our meeting last October. Starts at 6:30 p.m. in the community room of the El Dorado Hills Library.
Feb. 28, 2018 Carl Kowall will be the speaker at the CRHS monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 6:30pm. He will discuss his new book, The Story of El Dorado Hills, which is about Allan Lindsey's pursuit to create a completely new town. Kowall was part of the development team for the first ten years in the original stages of conceiving the project and getting it started. Click here to learn more about his book!
Oct. 25, 2017 The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have at our meeting Dennis Amaral, speaking on the very historical events that had much to do about our area...The Mormon Battalion and the Mormon Emigrant Trail. The first building built in our area called Clarksville was the Mormon Tavern. Mormon Island yielded millions in gold. A peak near Carson Pass is named after a woman who walked with her husband with the Mormon Battalion from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego and then from Pleasant Valley to the Salt Lake region. Learn about these interesting stories. Join us October 25th, 6:30 at the El Dorado Hills Library community room. Free to public.
Aug. 23, 2017 Clarksville Region Historical Society meeting Aug. 23rd at the El Dorado Hills Library community room at 6:30 p.m. We will have as our speakers members of the Placerville Sacramento Valley Railroad Association. They will cover the history of the first railroad west of the Mississippi," our own "PSVRR," as well as the action to preserve these historic rails and what is happening to the rails during construction along Placerville Road in Folsom. Everyone is welcome to join us.
April 26, 2017. Michele Harris of the Pony Express Association will talk about the history of the Pony Express and share information about the ride planned for Clarksville Day May 6th.
March 22, 2017. During the first three years of the Gold Rush, it’s estimated that one in five died within three months of their arrival. What happened to them? Why was the mortality rate so high? Why are pioneer cemeteries important? Where are these places? Who owns them? Can I visit them? Who is buried there? Are they protected?
Clarksville board member Mike Roberts will answer those questions and more on Wednesday, March 22 at 6:30 in the El Dorado Hills Library community room. Mike is a member of the county Cemetery Advisory Committee. He has a presentation on the cemeteries in and around Clarksville, and will be conducting tours during Clarksville Day, May 6, 2017. He’s also leading restoration efforts at Union Cemetery in Placerville, and will share the challenges of that experience as well.
Free to public. For more info, call 916-933-3173 and leave call back number.
Feb. 22, 2017. Clarksville Region Historical Society presents "Waka-tales" by long-time Wakamatsu docent Wendy Guglieri. The Wakamatsu story begins with the upheaval of medieval Japan and its military nobility, the Samurai, a small group of which fled Japan for the gold fields in 1868. The evening will consist of a mix of stories from the Wakamatsu colony and its most celebrated occupant, Okei San, a 17-year old Japanese girl who became the first Japanese woman buried on American soil. Okei San remains a folk-hero in her homeland. Wendy and fellow docent Herb Tanimoto have hosted a steady stream of Japanese VIPs since the American River Conservancy began offering tours. Those stories alone are worth the price of admittance... which is free... not to diminish the stories, which are awesome.
Jan. 25, 2017. Join us for our 2017 Annual Meeting and listen Mike Skinner talk about the history of the J. Skinner winery dating back well over 150 years ago. He will talk about how he discovered his background and the effort trying to rebuild the winery in Rescue.
Oct. 26, 2016. The Clarksville Region Historical Society presents an evening with Tony Mansour, the man whose vision defined modern-day El Dorado Hills. Please join us on Wednesday, October 26, 6:30 p.m. at the El Dorado Hills Library.
Tony will describe his acquisition of the failed “new town” project in 1981 and the planning effort that went into the 1988 specific plan, which provided a blueprint for modern-day El Dorado Hills and the mechanisms to fund the requisite infrastructure.
The results are evident today: great schools, multi-generational recreation options, charming and diverse neighborhoods, superb restaurants, ample shopping and entertainment, prosperous residents and strong home values.
For more information on the Mansour legacy in El Dorado Hills, see the Mansour backstory PDF file.

Please take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet the man who made it all possible, hear his reflections on the experience and ask him questions.
Sep.28, 2016 The Lincoln Highway Association will present a history on the building of the first coast-to-coast highway, the Lincoln Highway, built 1913 to 1918. This presentation is in keeping with the Clarksville Region Historical Society inaugural of the “Historic Lincoln Highway 8K Run/Jog/Walk” on October 1st. Join us on Sept. 28th 6:30pm at the EDH Library Community Room. Bring friends. Free to public. For more info call 916-933-3173 or email
Aug. 24, 2016. Elena Smith, Librarian for the California State Library will be speaking about the history and influence of the Joerger and Tong families whose cemeteries are located in Clarksville and the Clarksville Cemetery.
May 25, 2016. We have Ellen Osborn, author, talking about the “Evolution of Highway 50 from Indian Trail to Today." At 6:30 in the community room of the EDH Library.
Apr. 27, 2016. Oakridge High School Student Presentations of this year's historical research projects, at the EDH Library.
Mar. 23, 2016. Dr. John Thomson will speak on the history of Bass Lake.
Feb. 24, 2016. Dr. John E. Thomson presents an interesting history on our Bass Lake, entitled "Bass Lake, a Gold Rush Relic". Dr. Thomson has researched this part of our history for over a year. This is a very surprising and interesting part of our early history to the present time. Bring friends and join us at the El Dorado Hills Library
Jan. 27, 2016. This month's speaker is Dee Owens, on the historical maps of El Dorado County.
Oct. 28, 2015. This meeting at the EDH Library features J.G. Kearney. She will present the story of the Great Bullion Bend Stage Coach Robbery here in the Placerville area. This is sure to be a fascinating story!
Sep. 23, 2015. The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have their meeting Wednesday, Sep. 23 at the EDH Library starting at 6:30 p.m. Our speaker will be Melinda Peak. Melinda is our local archeologist who has researched the local history extensively. She will present the story of the Page murders that took place in the 1800’s here in Clarksville and area. Fascinating story, so join us for this interesting tale and bring a friend.
Aug. 26, 2015. We begin with a presentation by Toni and Dennis Amaral on the building of the Mormon Immigrant Trail. This road was built in 1848 going from west to east, leaving from Pleasant Valley and crossing Sierras. The trail was built as they returned to the Salt Lake vicinity.
Mar. 25, 2015. Retired El Dorado Hills Fire Chief Larry Fry. Larry Fry served as fire chief from 1993 to 2007 before retiring from the department. He is a wealth of historic information on the early days of El Dorado Hills and the the role our EDH Fire Department played in its development. As always this meeting is open to the public. Join us at 6:30 p.m. in the El Dorado Hills library community room.
Feb. 25, 2015. Jim Harville, presedent of the Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Association will speak to us about the past and present of the PSVRR. The oldest railroad west of the Mississipi River.
Aug. 27, 2014. This presentation will be remembered by many who have lived in El Dorado Hills for sometime. The speaker, "Buffalo" Will Neunam, is a very colorful personality. He is part Cherokee and part Cree and has a large collection of Native American artifacts as well as an assortment of old automobiles and airplanes. He was a jazz singer and has appeared in nightclubs as the "white Nat King Cole". We were all sorry to see the familiar buffalos go after 40 years of watching the herd. Join us at the library at 6:30. Tell your friends is open to the public and it is free.
Jun. 25, 2014. 6:30 PM at the EDH Library. The Clarksville Region Historical Society will present Lanny Hardy, owner of the Historic Cary House (1853) in Placer. Lanny will be joined by Josh Thorp on banjo. Togather they well be telling the story of the of the Cary House with tales and music of the times. The guest list of the Cary House includes a former President, John Studebaker, Mark Twain and Betty Davis. It promisses to be a very fun night.
May 28, 2014. The Clarksville Region Historical Society will have their meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the El Dorado Hills Library Community room. Our speaker will be Janette Rogers, El Dorado County Cemetery Commission for District 1 and the eastern part of District 2. Janette will show slides of local and county cemetery history. Our pioneer cemeteries locally and county wide reflect the history of the gold rush days and the founding families. This will be a very interesting and informative presentation. Open to the public.
Betty January
Past President and Program Director
Indigenous Wopumnes Nisenan-Me Wuk Nation of El Dorado County at the Aug. 22, 2018 meeting.
Audience listens to the Indigenous Wopumnes Nisenan-Me Wuk Nation of El Dorado County at the Aug. 22, 2018 meeting.
Audience listens to the Indigenous Wopumnes Nisenan-Me Wuk Nation of El Dorado County at the Aug. 22, 2018 meeting.

Bill Terrell tells the story about the history of the Buffalo Soldiers which started after the Civil War and continued until 1944. This took place at the April 25, 2018 meeting.

Audience listens intently while hearing the history of The Mormon Emigrant Trail at the April 25, 2018 meeting.

Large audience is fully entertained by Carl Kowall’s presentation about The Story of El Dorado Hills at the February 28, 2018 meeting.

Large audience is fully entertained by Carl Kowall’s presentation about The Story of El Dorado Hills at the February 28, 2018 meeting.

Carl Kowall giving presentation about The Story of El Dorado Hills at the February 28, 2018 meeting.

Long-time Wakamatsu docent Wendy Guglieri speaks to attendees while showcasing her Japanese cultural collection at the Feb 22, 2017 meeting.